Wednesday, March 31, 2010

End of Term 1

Well, the end of Term one is here. Mmmmm... I'm looking forward to Easter Bunny's visit!

Sadly we say goodbye to 6 cool kids in room Totara as they move up into Room Tawa. We say goodbye to Kiera, Kieralee, Olivia, Eva, Cameron and Ryan. We have very much enjoyed having you as part of Room Totara and hope you enjoy the rest of the year in Room Tawa - don't forget to come and say hello to us!

Miss Fisken's class has grown so much over the term, so we are excited to welcome 5 cool kids from Room Kauri to our class starting next term, we are lucky to have Hannah, Lydia, Josh, Kayla and Jordyn joining us!

I hope you all have a safe and relaxing holiday and look forward to seeing everyone back safe on Monday 19th April 2010.

Remember to keep reading over the holidays and a good way to keep your maths learning up is to play the games we have on our blog under the numeracy link.

Miss McLean

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