Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Hello :)

Wow - it's hard to believe that it is week 8 already! One more week to go and it's the end of the term.

We are now working hard on our FIREWISE unit. Your child received a FIREWISE home work book with a DVD. Please ensure that you have completed activity 1 (watching the DVD) and activity 2 (talking about safety with lighters and matches) with your child.

All children need to read the book they bring home every night, then whoever they have read to needs to complete their home reader (the yellow booklet) with a comment and your child needs to draw a face, as they do this they accumulate a running total of nights they have read and they earn certificates along the way. Every night your child reads they will also receive a sticker. Well done to the children who have achieved their 25 nights certificate! Keep up the hard work!

I have a few children who have not brought back their poetry books, these are sent home every Friday with a poem for you and your child to read together (sometimes they may also need to complete the activity that they did not get finished in class time). All poetry books should be returned on a Monday along with library books.

Homework - please remind your child to bring this back every Friday so it can be marked and a new homework sheet will be put in every Monday. If your child should find one of the activities too difficult, that's ok, just leave it for me to see.

I am also waiting for a few slips to be returned in response to having your child's photo posted on our blog. Please remember that it is only their first name that will appear, we are dedicated to ensuring your child's safety. Even if you don't want your child's photo to appear, please return the form with the appropriate comment circled.

Don't forget to send back the form for our trip to the emergency services in Gore next week ASAP if you can help! We'd love to have you there!!

Thanks! I hope you are all enjoying our blog and we would love your comments!!

Tanya McLean

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