Monday, May 17, 2010

Cross Country 2010 - Friday 14 May

Wow! What a great Cross country we had last Friday!!
The weather turned out just perfect (a shame it had been a bit soggy a couple of days before which made the grass a bit mucky!)
All the children put a lot of effort into their run and I was proud of all the Room Totara kids!

Here are some pictures of us starting off!


  1. Wow what an awesome action picture!! Nice running girls!!

  2. You look like you are doing some great running Jordyn. Well done.
    From Auntie Jackie

  3. wow guys yas all sound so busy in ur class i love the cross country picz kayla u look like u are ready run fast way to go
    luv mummy xxxx keep up the great work guys

  4. Great running Sophie from Aunty Rach

  5. Shane (Sophies Dad)July 1, 2010 at 9:41 PM

    What a great day yous had for the cross country Sophie really enjoyed herself.
