Thursday, May 13, 2010

Gore Public Library Visit

We went off to the Gore Public Library yesterday for our Term 2 visit.

Thank you to Marshall's Mum (Vicky), Ellie's Mum (Sue), Mrs Hook and Miss Dickison for taking their cars so we could get there and back. We really enjoy our trip to the library each term and appreciate those parents that help out with transport as it saves the school money as getting buses all the time is quite expensive. So thank you for taking time out of your day.

Jenny read us some books with a "seasons" theme and a book about books which was quite funny!

There were a couple of children who don't have a public library card, they have taken home a form to complete and return to the library so they can get one (it's free).

If your child brought home a public library book, there should have been a slip to let you know when this is due back. Please return all books directly to the public library.

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