Sunday, June 27, 2010


Hello there Room Totara children and families!!

Well I know that the children had an awesome week with Mrs T!
I had a great week up in Palmerston North, the weather was sunny for a couple of days, then it rained. Never mind, I'm back now and the sun is shining down here!
It was quite cool in the plane on the way home as we flew into Invercargill airport, so I got to see my house from up in the plane - it's so funny how everything looks so little (kind of like wee toys!)

I am looking forward to catching up with most parents at the interviews this Monday and Tuesday!

Our blog competition is just about to come to an end, you have until Friday 9am to get those comments in!!! So far we have one child that's managed to get 6 comments posted by friends and families - so get commenting!!! There is a cool prize up for grabs!! So far we have 6 girls in the running to win the prize - so come on boys!!!

Enjoy the sunny weekend and I'll see you all on Monday!!

Miss McLean


  1. Great that you had a good time away and Ella did enjoy Mrs T.

  2. We are glad you enjoy'd your time away. Alisha told us you were off to get a cow award.
    Yes another term coming to a end. A well earned break for all children and teachers, has been a very busy learning term.
