Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Today is the 1st of June and the first day of WINTER!

We thought that it would snow today because we get snow in Winter, but we talked about how it's more likely to have snow in Winter because it's colder weather.


  1. Hi Room Totara,

    I have just been checking out your class blog, it's great! I have a blog with my Grade 2 students. We are called 2KJ and we are from Leopold Primary School, Victoria, Australia. We love to check out other blogs and see what schools around the world are doing!

    We like to leave comments on other class blogs but we don't have much contact with NZ schools yet. Perhaps we can be blogging buddies!

    If you would like to check out our blog, the address is:

    Keep blogging!
    Miss Jordan

  2. Hello again Room Totara!

    We checked out your blog in class this morning and everyone in 2KJ enjoyed seeing what you have been learning about!

    We thought we would tell you a few things about us and our school...
    - We are in grade 2 and we are 7 and 8 years old.
    - There are 22 of us in our grade.
    - Our school is the biggest in our area and we have 700 students.
    - We begin school at 9.00am and finish at 3.30pm each day.
    - Our last day of Term 2 is Friday June 25th and then we have 2 weeks holidys.

    Perhaps you could tell us a few things about your school?

    We noticed your school is in the South Island of N.Z. Miss Jordan has only been to the North Island. Has anyone from your grade been to Australia?

    Talk to you soon!

    From Miss Jordan and 2KJ

  3. Hi Room Totara,

    My name is Skye and I am a student in Miss Jordans class.

    Can we be Blogging Buddies and can we skype?

    Your blog looks fabulous and I am looking forward to what you are up to.

    I am looking forward to Winter. Are you looking forward to Winter?

    In the boxes I chose cool because in Winter I sometimes go to the snow and it is fun!

    I also think Spike is a cute and cool cat. We have the same cat as yours and we are going to name it.

    Happy Blogging!
    Skye :-) (in Miss Jordans class) ;-)

  4. The topic of seasons was good, Alisha would come home and talk about all the differnt seasons, and also would talk about the other side of the world and what they would be doing at the same time as us, ie we would be eating breakfast and the other side could be sleeping.

  5. Love Spike the cat, from Sophies big sis
