Monday, August 9, 2010

Public Library Visit

We had a wonderful visit to the Gore Public Library today.

Thank you very much to Jenny, she had a fun activity planned where we hid 5 children around the library and then had to find them and mark where they were on a map of the library.
After we found books to get out and take home, Jenny read us the "kiwi" version of The 3 Little Pigs - this one was called The 3 Little Lambs - it was very funny! We love stories being read to us!

Thank you also to Rebecca's Nana, Hannah's Mum, Alisha's Mum and Mrs Hook who each took their car with children to the library.

We look forward to our final visit this year next term.

Don't forget if your child brought home books from the public library today, they need to be returned back to the public library before 30 August 2010.

Some children were unable to get books out due to overdue books or not having a card - please return overdue books ASAP and if your child hasn't yet got a library card, call in to see Jenny at the library to get an application form - it's FREE to join!

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