Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day and Night

We learnt about day and night. We brainstormed all the things that we do during the day and all the things we do at night. Come and check out our displays in class!

We all recorded one fact we learnt about day and night, this is to share with our parents/grandparents at the end of the term on a "sharing day".

We also recorded 2 kids showing how the earth spins around (this takes 24 hours which is one day), as it is spinning around it moves slowly around the sun, this takes 1 whole year to get right around!!

We learnt that when New Zealand is closest to the sun it is day for us - but it is night on the other side of the world!

1 comment:

  1. Oh now I see how the day night came into the winter topic. Go the blog thumbs up
