Thursday, May 27, 2010

We're starting to feel the winter chill creeping in! We've been talking about how it is just about the end of May and with the month of June, comes the start of our Winter Season!

We talked about all four seasons and how each season lasts for 3 months. We also discussed the seasons and how they keep rotating in a specific pattern. We are looking forward to Spring when all the baby animals are born (and it starts to warm up)!

We have begun creating our art for this inquiry - "A tree through the seasons" we've made our Autumn tree and Winter tree. Come and check out these on the wall in our class!

We've been keeping snuggly and warm in our class - thank you to our wonderful new caretaker Mr Scott! Miss McLean had snowflakes falling onto her car this morning when she left home to come to school! Brrr!

Remember, if you have any DVD's, games that you no longer need (or don't mind us borrowing), please bring them into school as with the wet/cold weather we are stuck inside during break times!

Don't forget warm jackets, hats, shoes and socks too!

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